When it comes to budgeting and managing your money, is short-termism damaging your finances? If so, I offer some tips to help you save money in the long run by improving your sense of perspective and judiciously spending money in the short term.
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Are you planning ahead and saving for those crucial life moments? With cash ISAs offering such low rate of return on investments, can you afford to keep your savings in cash?
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Exciting news! 16 months after I left my 20+ year pharmacy career I’m going back to work! It’s a new job, a new beginning and a change of direction.
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With Cash ISAs offering such low rate of return on our investments, is it finally time for a change? I turn my attention to the Stocks & Shares ISA and discover why it pays to start saving early.
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Soon after introducing pocket money, we realised our children needed to learn good money habits. That’s when we discovered goHenry (formerly PKTMNY), the Pre-Paid Visa card and app for 6-18 yr olds. As well as being a fun way to pay pocket money, goHenry has helped to teach our kids that saving and earning money is just as important as spending it.
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