When it comes to budgeting and managing your money, is short-termism damaging your finances? If so, I offer some tips to help you save money in the long run by improving your sense of perspective and judiciously spending money in the short term.
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Happy New Year everybody! I hope you’ve had a lovely Christmas. In my first blog post of 2017, I’m sharing my New Year’s resolutions with you…In the hope that it will give me an added incentive to stick to them.
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I tell you why I the Arc customizable notebook system from Staples has replaced my old Filofax to become the perfect organiser/diary/journal for my (blogging) life.
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There are two types of people in this world: those who write lists and those who don’t. In fact, in my experience lists are a bit of a ‘Marmite’ issue: you either love them or you hate them. Let me declare my allegiance…I love lists! Let me count the reasons…
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