I’ve joined the UK Money Bloggers #FoodbankAdvent campaign to encourage people to donate to their local Trussell Trust Foodbank by collecting food and other goods for a Reverse Advent Calendar.
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My blog has always been my happy place, but how can talk about DIY, interiors & crafts in the aftermath of a tragedy? I need to talk about Grenfell Tower.
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Exciting news! 16 months after I left my 20+ year pharmacy career I’m going back to work! It’s a new job, a new beginning and a change of direction.
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According to a 2016 YouGov Survey, nearly two-thirds of the British adult population don’t have a Will. Reasons vary from not wanting to think about dying, being worried about the cost of making a will or simply never getting around to it. But let’s face it, we’re all going to die so I give you 12 reasons why you should leave a will rather than leaving your grieving loved ones with financial nightmares.
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Thriftiness is the ‘new black’, but is giving someone a second-hand Christmas present a step too far? I don’t think so! I tell you the 10 best places to grab a second-hand bargain and give your loved ones more for less.
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This Advent I want to embrace Jen Walshaw’s inspirational ideas over at Mum in the Madhouse. Last year, she told of her desire to turn the focus of Advent from receiving to giving and getting the kids to share in the joy of the season by starting ‘Advent Acts of Kindness’ and a ‘Reverse Advent Calendar’.
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Like many other organisations, groups and individuals, the girls and I are filling shoeboxes with gifts to send to children in other parts of the world this Christmas.
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On Friday 30th September, I hosted a #BloggersBeatingCancer coffee morning to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Care and Bart’s Charity. Me and my Nottingham blogger mates had a great time and all for a fantastic cause.
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I’m supporting the #BloggersBeatingCancer campaign. Here’s my own story.
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